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Top 10 Digital Marketing News Stories From June
Are you having nightmares about government officials tracking you down for that Tweet you send 2 years ago, or that Facebook knows everything about you, down to your grandmother’s maiden name? Hopefully you’re sleeping well at night, but if you aren’t, it wouldn’t...
Social Media in 15 Minutes A Day
Do you feel like every business is on social media but yours? Do you want to start a social media marketing campaign, but are worried about the time commitment? We don’t mean to sound like a self-help book, but if you answered yes to either of these questions, this...
Why Videos Improve Your Website
A picture is worth 1,000 words, but what about a video? According to one study, one minute of video is worth 1.8 million words.1 Can you imagine taking the time to write that many words on your website? That’s the equivalent of 3,600 web pages! Video is so powerful...
Using the iPad for Business
Your son or daughter bought you this new-fangled gadget for Christmas called the iPad. You’ve finally figured out how to use to surf the web, read the news, and play a plethora of games, but did you know you could use it as a tool for business? The iPad, or any...
A New Stimulus Package for Small Businesses
Do you know how to hypnotize your customers? The first line in your sales letter, the “Subject” line in your email, the title of your blog post, and the first line in your ad campaign has to grab them by the eyeballs and entertain, fascinate, educate or create...
Twitter: 5 Tips To Tweet Your Way To Success
How complicated can it be to run a Twitter account and garner a following? 140 characters to sell my brand? Easy. While these are often the initial thoughts businesses have towards Twitter, they soon find out that it is much more difficult than it seems. Here are five...
What Is An Infographic? We Explain With This Helpful Visual
When someone visits your webpage, you’ve only got about 20 seconds to explain your message before he/she navigates elsewhere. The topics and problems of our world are becoming more and more complex, and 20 seconds may not seem like nearly enough time to get your...
What Is A GIF? The Humorous Side of Social Media…
We’ve all seen them. Those repeating video clips with funny text that have got you giggling under your breath at work. Animated GIFs. Even though this type of file has been around for over 25 years, it has gained increased popularity thanks to the social media site...
What Very Few Businesses Do with Their Marketing
Being in any business means you’re also in the customer service business. Every time you’re in contact with a customer, a potential new client or the public in general, a show of sincere appreciation for meeting them will make a huge impression. A creative,...