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Recent Articles From Our Learning Center
[Interview] Annette Stepanian Shares Her Content Marketing Strategies
After hearing so much great feedback about my last business owner interview with Luke Pancoe, I've put together another one for you. In this interview, Annette Stepanian and I talk all about how she uses email marketing to sell legal services to creatives. We...
The Transparent Marketing Project: Month 5, Day 174
It's day 174 of the Transparent Marketing Project...I'm getting close to the 6th month mark on this project. How is that possible?!? Time flies when you're having fun. Or you could say, time flies when you're running a side hustle on top of your normal day job....
[Interview] Luke Pancoe Shares His Evergreen Marketing Strategies
I've interviewed business owner Luke Pancoe all about how he uses email marketing to sell Italian language courses online. In this interview, we talk about: How he took an idea, validated it (while working for another company) and is now full-time running is own...
The Transparent Marketing Project: Month 3, Day 91
It's day 91 of the Transparent Marketing Project. What does that mean? I've officially completed the first 90 days of this project. As a reminder, in Month 1, Day 0, I set a few goals for the first 90 days of the TMP: Good goal: 100 subscribers (1.11 subscribers per...
The Transparent Marketing Project: Month 3, Day 62
It's day 62 of the Transparent Marketing Project, which means I'm officially into my 3rd month of this project. If you remember when I first introduced the TMP, I set a few goals for the first 90 days in terms of subscriber growth: Good goal: 100 subscribers (1.11...
The Transparent Marketing Project: Month 2, Day 40
17 days ago, I had 184 subscribers thanks to a little effort I like to call social begging (read more about what that entails here). A little over 2 weeks later, and I now have 306 subscribers. What's happened between now and then? Let's get into the nitty gritty...
The Transparent Marketing Project: Month 1, Day 23
I'm a little over 2/3 of the way into the month, and I'm currently at 184 subscribers. To recap the results over the past 3 weeks... On Day 4, I had 7 subscribers. On Day 11, I had 44 subscribers (you'll know this if you've opted into to receive email updates about...
The Transparent Marketing Project: Month 1, Day 4
4 days in and I've got a whopping 7 subscribers. Woohoo! (And when I say woohoo, I mean it quite sincerely.) Why? Because I haven't done a heck of a lot but am 7 subscribers ahead of where I was on Monday. That's 700% growth! And that means I'm 7% of the way to...
The Transparent Marketing Project: Day 0
The inspiration for this project I'll get straight to the point...YOU, dear reader, were the sole inspiration for this project. Let me clarify. Part of any great business is being in-tune with the needs, wants, and desires of your customers and prospects. And so, as I...