by Bixa Media | Digital Marketing Case Studies, Web Design & Development
One of our projects this summer was to design a new website for OC Spas & Hot Tubs, a local Orange County business that sells new, used and refurbished hot tubs. The client came to us because their sales were not what they wanted them to be, and they were hoping...
by Lauren Davis | Social Media Marketing
Have you had your fill of advertisements for the year? After the big game two weekends ago, you’ve probably seen enough party-going senior citizens munching on Taco Bell, and runners chasing down cheetahs in Sketchers (or perhaps you’re still re-watching your...
by Lauren Davis | Web Design & Development
As mobile search becomes more and more common, it’s important that your site be compatible for various devices. The way your site functions on smart phones and tablets could significantly and negatively affect your business, if you don’t take the necessary steps to...
by Lauren Davis | Social Media Marketing
What is Facebook Graph Search? Imagine you’re planning a trip to Spain, and want to find out which are the best restaurants are in the city. Thankfully, you’ve got a friend who spent a year there studying abroad. Perfect! You’ll ask her. Now let’s say you don’t know...