by Lauren Davis | Web Design & Development
You’ve been convinced you should create a mobile site for your website. You start to do some research but pretty quickly you get lost. What do I include or leave out from my normal website? What about other types of devices, such as tablets, should I alter my website...
by Lauren Davis | Web Design & Development
With close to 60 million WordPress sites in the world, there is no doubt that this software is making a big impact on web development. WordPress is a great resource for those brand new to building websites, passionate bloggers, and expert web designers alike. You can...
by Lauren Davis | Email Marketing
The average professional gets over 100 emails a day.[1] Few people have the time or the desire to read every email they receive, resulting in many unopened, trashed messages. Moreover, as spam and phished mail become more prevalent, many people have a growing distrust...
by Lauren Davis | Social Media Marketing
Have you had your fill of advertisements for the year? After the big game two weekends ago, you’ve probably seen enough party-going senior citizens munching on Taco Bell, and runners chasing down cheetahs in Sketchers (or perhaps you’re still re-watching your...
by Lauren Davis | Web Design & Development
As mobile search becomes more and more common, it’s important that your site be compatible for various devices. The way your site functions on smart phones and tablets could significantly and negatively affect your business, if you don’t take the necessary steps to...
by Lauren Davis | Social Media Marketing
What is Facebook Graph Search? Imagine you’re planning a trip to Spain, and want to find out which are the best restaurants are in the city. Thankfully, you’ve got a friend who spent a year there studying abroad. Perfect! You’ll ask her. Now let’s say you don’t know...
by Lauren Davis | Landing Page Optimization, Web Design & Development
As more and more people are consulting the Internet prior to making a purchase, your website is becoming a critical component of your business. Your site and its design play an important role in how much online business you generate. The most common web design...
by Lauren Davis | PPC Advertising, Search Engine Optimization
Having intriguing content and a flawless web design is only part of being successful on the web. Your content, articles, and blog posts also need to be easily found on search engines. If no one can find your article based on their query, you won’t get many readers....
by Lauren Davis | Online Reputation, Search Engine Optimization
Spam and online fraud make up a substantial portion of the online world. To put it into perspective, in 2011 Google received billions of ads to be published in AdWords.1 Of those, more than 130 million were thought to be spam and were disabled.1 But advertising is not...