In our current podcast series, I interview the owners of 4 very different wellness businesses and we dive deep into their marketing.
Today’s episode is the fourth and final of that series. I interview Campbell Will, physical therapist and founder of Breath Body Therapy.
Campbell shares his very unique service – helping patients breathe optimally, so they can improve their health and well-being.
This episode was especially fun for me because I’ve taken some of Campbell’s incredible breathwork classes and seen some incredible results on the backend of what I’ve learned…
…so getting to pick his brain and geek out on the science AND art of respiration was a real treat.
Campbell also shares more about his marketing system, how he gets in front of new clients and the impact the pandemic has had on his business. (Don’t worry, it’s not depressing but actually a silver-lining.)
“There’s a lot of misconceptions about what breathwork is. The popularized version is a conscious changing of your breath for a specific outcome. So, I might breathe in a certain way to change the way I feel.” – Campbell Will
2:20: What is breathwork? A self-regulation tool to change your breathing to change how you feel.
4:45: How optimal respiration affects your physical, emotional, and mental health and wellness.
5:18: Science of Respiration: Three lenses – biomechanics, chemistry, and nervous system.
9:15: Best of Both Worlds: Breathwork is both an art and a science that produces empowerment.
11:05: Symptoms: Dysfunctional breathing can be a root cause of anxiety, stress, and sleep disorders.
15:30: Breathe Better: Learn to improve and optimize personal and professional areas of life.
19:00: Worrier to Warrior: Develop a lifetime practice of breathwork to restore harmony to the body.
27:25: Breathwork or meditation? Similar but a different way to focus point, excluding distractions.
29:55: Energizing Effect: Breathwork is a useful tool to slow down or speed up.
34:35: Why Campbell created and started his Breath Body Therapy business.
38:42: Simplicity: Good food, water, air, movement, sunlight, sleep is the foundation for good health.
49:45: Marketing: Campbell’s free content and consultation helps prospects understand breathwork benefits.
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